Fitness show - Peak week!

Eggs and elliptical trainer

Aaaah 1 week to go until competition day! I can't wait to glam up, hit the stage and show off my beautiful bikini! Oh and the fact that I get to eat pizza again after!

I'm drinking as much water I can, Saturday and Sunday were high carb days and now I'm depleting my carbohydrates until Friday when I will start to add them back in order to 'fill' my muscles for show day.

I'd given up weighing myself as the scales weren't budging, but I weighed myself for the first time in a few weeks today and I've dropped 8 pounds! Woop! So I must be doing something right :)


I'm still not as tight as I'd want to be so I'm keeping up the cardio twice a day as well as weights, I'll do this until Friday, and I'm practising my posing as much as possible. I'll have Saturday off for tanning and nails etc and then it's showtime on Sunday! 

The above pic is how my morning looks most days... My bike/elliptical trainer and 3 boiled eggs.


On a zero carb day my food looks like this:

Meal 1: 3 whole eggs
Meal 2: Chicken and greens
Meal 3: Lean Steak mince and greens
Meal 4: Salmon and greens
Meal 5: 3 eggs omelette and salad



Wish me luck :)

H xox 

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