5 things to remember before exercising ...

5 things to remember before exercising ...

If you're new to exercise or planning on starting a new fitness programme, you should consult your GP. In my blog posts, I offer tips and advice but these are purely things that I do personally and seem to work for me. This information is not meant as an alternative to seeking professional medical advice or suggested treatment. Please know that performing any exercise or programme is solely at your own risk.

Next, please also remember the following... 

1. Start slow - If you’re not used to exercising please don’t push yourself too much! You can always do more (increase repetitions) and add weight (dumbbells) as you improve. I’ll also give you a more advanced version of each move for when you’re ready.

2. Quality, not quantity - When forming these exercises it’s more important that you focus on doing the exercises correctly rather than trying to do lots of reps. 

  • Remember to breathe - Exhale as you contract the muscle and inhale on the easy part

  • Always hold your core (tummy) tight

  • Keep your chest up and open, don’t round your back

3. Mind-to-muscle - Really think about the muscle you’re targeting, if you’re feeling it more somewhere else e.g. your back, this would mean you're doing it wrong and you’ll end up hurting yourself, please correct your form or stop doing the exercise.

4. Don't overdo it! Don’t target the same muscle groups every day, work them no more than every other day to allow the muscle to recover.

5. Warm-up This is important to get your muscles ready for activity. Without warming up, you not only risk injury but you also get less from your workout. Just 5 minutes is fine, as long as you've started moving and your heart is working a bit harder.

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