Getting back to fit after pregnancy - Part 3


6 weeks postnatal - Weight: 10.6lb

I’m consistently losing 2lb a week which is my target but, as life does, it’s thrown a few challenges this week. My baby was rushed into hospital and I was there for three days living on sandwiches and no exercise, so I’m not too hopeful for next week’s results. It’s now Wednesday and I’m home from the hospital and back on the diet and training at home.

Gym training will start in October, for now, I'm trying to build as much strength back up and lose as much fat as I can whilst training at home (bodyweight exercises and using some light dumbbells I bought from Argos). For my cardio, I simply take less time between weight training exercises. I also have an elliptical trainer at home so I'll start to use that from next week.

7 weeks postnatal - Weight: 10.3lb

I'm still dropping weight (woohoo) but now I can start to train a bit harder. It’s important to gradually get your body used to exercise/lifting again and not rush straight into it and try and pick up where you left off. This week I’ve started to introduce core work in (for your mid-section). I’m working on the inner abdominals (by doing different variations of planks) before I start working on the outer abs (by doing crunches etc).

The plank is a fantastic exercise for your core because it builds strength to help improve your posture and sculpt your waistline. There are many different ways to plank and depending on which one you try, you can also engage other body parts such as arms, shoulders, glutes and hamstrings.


Monday - Legs, Arms and Core


Superset x 5 sets

15 x Squats with weight on shoulders
15 x Sumo Squats with weight on shoulders


15 x Straight Leg Deadlifts x 3 sets


15 x Single leg Lunges with weight on shoulders x 3 sets


Superset x 5 sets

15 x Bicep Curls with weight
15 x Tricep Dips


Forearm Plank - 30 seconds x 3 sets
Side Plank each side - 30 seconds x 3 sets

Wednesday - Shoulders and Chest 


Superset x 4 sets

15 x Shoulder Press with barbell
15 x Front raise with a weight


Superset x 4 sets

15 x Lateral Raise
15 x Upright Row


15 x Press Ups - 4 sets 

Saturday - Legs, Back and Core


Bodyweight exercises on the floor - video to follow soon


Lower Back Extensions
Bent-over Row with a weighted barbell
Bent over Flyes with dumbbells 


Forearm Plank - 30 seconds x 3 sets
Side Plank each side - 30 seconds x 3 sets


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