Fitness show - 3 weeks out

Shoulder vein

Eeek, so 3 weeks to go! The introduction of carbs in the last week has really helped my energy levels and my physique is looking sharper (I can even see some veins coming out in my shoulders and arms :)).

Doing the Keto diet in the first 8 weeks of prep was a bit of an experiment, but I now know that I need carbs! After 2 days of adding carbs back in I look better.

I'm not managing to do much fasted cardio because of how early I have to get up for work, but I'm getting some in at the weekend. I suppose I can only do what I can do.


I've managed to do 3 fasted cardio sessions this week, on my bike in my living room, i have a coffee just before to wake myself up and give me a boost.

This week my training has been broken down like this...

Glutes, hams and cardio
Biceps, triceps, abs and cardio
Shoulders and cardio
Quads, calves and cardio
Back, abs and cardio

Food and drink

Much the same as last week...

I'm not very imaginative in the kitchen during prep, but I use dry spices to give it a bit of flavour. Every night I prep for the next day, I make my breakfast fresh and take three meals to work, I then get home and have two more meals. My work meals look a bit like this...

Have a good week girls. xox


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